Logo Design FAQs
We are continually adding to our FAQ section so if you do not see the question and answer you’re looking for please let us know and we will give you an immediate answer and add to this section.
Can I send attachments with my order?
Yes, we value your participation and it allows us to understand your requirements better. If you have any sketches or examples you can send them to lahoregraphicdesignservices@gmail.com
Can I finalize more than one logo?
We make an unlimited amount of changes to all logo concepts however as part of all of our packages we supply final files for one chosen logo. If you would like to finalise more than one design it is not a problem however creating all files takes about an hour so we charge a small admin fee of £30+VAT per logo to cover the studio time.
Do I own the finalised logo?
Yes, you have complete ownership rights over the finalised logo(s) and you are free to use it according to your own requirements. As we do not use any clipart or template images you have the right to get the logo copyrighted or trademarked.
Do you use Clipart or Template imagery?
No, every design by Lahore Graphic Design Services Pvt. Ltd. is 100% custom and original. We design them from scratch and as per client requirements.
How many revisions am I allowed?
No matter what we are designing, unlimited revisions come as an implied action. It is our 100% customer satisfaction policy that provides us with the vigor to work until the client is satisfied.
What if I do not like the first set of designs?
If you do not like any of our intial concepts in the first set, then we can have a sorted out conversation followed by a new set which will definitely meet your requirements at the earliest.
Is there a limit on the number of designs I can ask for changes?
No, you can ask for as many changes on as many designs, as many times as you like.
What files do I receive and how are they used?
Professionals at Lahore Graphic Design Services supply a number of files suitable for print and web use. Don't worry if you cannot open certain files. You need specialised software to open some of the files we send that are meant for professionals only. The formats include AI, EPS, PSD, JPG, PNG, PDF, TIFF with fonts.